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Tech Lesson Plans: Elementary/Middle School

Elementary and Middle School Resources

Links verified on 2/7/2021


  1. Computer Lesson Plans - from Teachers.net
  2. Cyber Bee has a page of Curriculum Ideas This site lists many interesting ways how the Internet can be used in the classroom.
  3. Education & Technology - from Education World
  4. ETrip - (PreK - 12) Step by step directions for students, all subject areas, all grades - from the Instructional Technology Department, Midway ISD, Waco, TX.
  5. Fast Food Fun - Use the Internet and spreadsheets to find calories and fat in a typical fast food meal. Then visit the United States Department of Agriculture to find out more about healthy eating guidelines.
  6. K-5 Computer Lab - Technology lesson plans
  7. National Educational Technology Standards - from ISTE
  8. Norman Public Schools Teachers Technology Tools - Lesson templates for Office applications.
  9. Ohio Resource Center for Mathematics, Science and Language Arts Educators - This is a collection of technology integrated lessons, online applications, videos, articles, and structured activities that can be used by teacher educators and professional development providers to help teachers learn to effectively integrate electronic technologies into classroom instruction.
  10. Task Cards: Don't let the students wander aimlessly around the Internet. Create tasks for navigating the Internet.
  11. Technology and Internet Use Lesson Plans - posted by by Linda Bertland, retired school librarian, Philadelphia, PA
  12. Technology Integration Made Easy - TIME Lessons were created to provide teachers with an easy method of integrating computer skills into subject area content from the classroom. These lessons are correlated with the N. C. Computer Curriculum.
  13. Technology-Supported Lessons Online - View the complete presentations demonstrating effective technology integration methods in a variety of K-12 content areas.
  14. WebGuide template from Internet 4 Classrooms.



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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